the origin of species|the origin of species in English

evolutionary book on evolution by natural selection (written by Charles Darwin)

Use "the origin of species|the origin of species" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the origin of species|the origin of species" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the origin of species|the origin of species", or refer to the context using the word "the origin of species|the origin of species" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Origin of Species.

2. Darwin’s Origin of Species helped to change that.

3. In addition to theorizing on evolution in " The Origin of Species, "

4. In 1859, Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species.

5. Anthropogeny: ( an'thrō-poj'ĕ-nē ), The origin and development of the human species, both individual and racial

6. 18 Archaeopteryx was discovered in 18 two years after Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species.

7. English natural scientist whose 'On the Origin of Species' formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-18.

8. The poached blubber was definitely Cetacean in origin, but the particular species could not be identified.

9. While facultative Apomicts produce clonal offspring, sexual species are the conduits of origin for new genetically different apomictic lineages

10. Brutes are a physically imposing species of simian origin, resembling large gorillas with ursine, rhinoceros and alien features

11. In all member countries, trade in these species is only permitted with an appropriate export permit and a certificate of origin from the state of the member country who has listed the species.

12. Origin of Bothy. Origin uncertain

13. Darwin is attributed with first hypothesizing Coevolution in “On the Origin of Species” published in 1859; since that time, Coevolution has become one of the cornerstones of …

14. The origin of afgp s in Codfishes is one of the first examples of an essential gene born from non-coding DNA in a non-model species

15. The origin of life.

16. The Origin of Christmas

17. Origin of Cushat From Old English cuscute, of uncertain origin.

18. Chiroptera : Geographic Information Geographic Division: Jurisdiction/Origin: Comments Comment: Comments: As is the case for all species in this book, the conservation status for each bat species is reported below based upon listings of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the United

19. The Botanical Gardens, which belong to Comenius University, can be found on the Danube riverfront and house more than 120 species of domestic and foreign origin.

20. The term was coined by Charles Darwin in his On the Origin of Species from 1859, when discussing Ornithorhynchus (the platypus) and Lepidosiren (the South American lungfish): ...

21. as well as being the 150th anniversary of the publication of his masterpiece, "On the Origin of Species" (Nov. , the extravaganza is set to continue until the end of next year.

22. Alkamine is the Hidden Universe 's DNA sample of a Jade Fibroozell, an acid sac-based species of unknown origin unique to Back in Action: Alien Universe.

23. Microcephalothrips Abdominalis (Crawford) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a species of neotropical origin, has been found for the first time in France (Alpes - Maritimes, Sophia - Antipolis) in 2008.

24. This can be explained by a recent origin of C. arabica in a unique allopolyploidization event, or by severe bottleneck effects in the evolutionary history of the species.

25. Origin of the word Contumelious